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Gacha Gacha Vol. 2 (Tamakoshi, Hiroyuki) manga
Gacha Gacha Vol. 2 (Tamakoshi, Hiroyuki) manga
(Paperback) | Released: 2005-12-27
By: Tamakoshi, Hiroyuki
Publisher: Del Rey
Genre - Mangas
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About the Book
A TROUBLING TRANSFORMATION Kouhei was just developing feelings for his childhood friend Kurara when she went on vacation to Hawaii. On her return, she brought home a sexy new split personality, “Arisa.” Kouhei swore to stay by Kurara’s side and protect her shocking secret–but just when he’s growing accustomed to Arisa’s antics, suddenly Kurara transforms into “Alice,” another personality! Alice may look like Kurara on the outside, but on the inside she’s a fourteen-year-old girl who’s convinced that Kouhei is her tutor. Sounds simple enough, but there’s a catch: It seems the only subject Alice is interested in is male anatomy. How in the world will Kouhei cope with this development? Plus–the origin of Kurara’s split personalities is revealed, along with a fourth, deadly personality.
Product Details
Publisher: Del Rey
No of Pages: 208
Publisher Date:2005-12-27
Returnable: Yes
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