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The Fall of the Human Intellect : hardcover
The Fall of the Human Intellect : hardcover
(Hardcover) | Released: 2015
By: Avula Parthasarathy
Publisher: None
Genre - Philosophy
Best Price* ₹ 99.0
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MRP ₹ 300.0
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About the Book
The first title in an ordered series of eleven written works by A. Parthasarathy, and recommended as a "first read" introduction to Vedanta philosophy. Stress, depression, disease in individuals and militancy, vandalism, terrorism in societies is threatening humanity with extinction. The book traces back the source of this impending disaster to the continual neglect of the human intellect. It highlights the fundamental difference between intelligence and intellect. Intelligence is acquired from schools and universities while the intellect is developed through one’s personal effort in thinking, reasoning, questioning before accepting anything. The book is designed to develop the intellect and save humanity from self-destruction.
Product Details
No of Pages: 166
Publisher Date:2015
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