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Magic Pickle and the Planet of the Grapes : Scott Morse
Magic Pickle and the Planet of the Grapes : Scott Morse
(Paperback) | Released: 2008
By: Scott Morse
Publisher: Scholastic
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About the Book
Meet the Magic Pickle, a dilly of a superhero who's fighting the food fight against a brotherhood of evil fruits and vegetables who are plotting to take over the world! Scott Morse introduces one of the most hilarious superheroes ever: a flying, green Magic Pickle! Magic Pickle is a secret weapon developed in a secret military lab---under little JoJo Wigwam's bedroom floor. The fearless dill superhero meets his match in this feisty eight-year-old. Together they go after Ray Sin, a renegade raisin from the Brotherhood of Evil Produce. Ray Sin has a dastardly plan: to turn every human being on the planet into big, juicy, mindless grapes, so he can rule the world!
Product Details
Publisher: Scholastic
No of Pages: 148
Publisher Date:2008
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