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A tale of two cities om illustration classics
A tale of two cities om illustration classics
(Hardcover) | Released: None
By: Charles Dickens
Publisher: Om Books International
Genre - Classic
Best Price* ₹ 99.0
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MRP ₹ 225.0
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About the Book
Charles Dickens’ inimitable classic, A Tale of Two Cities, is a heartbreaking tale set in London and Paris during the time of the French Revolution. It tells with great emotion, the plight of the peasants and the grave injustices heaped upon them by the French aristocracy. And in the midst of it all are caught up the lives of the main protagonists, Charles Darnay, Sydney Carton and Lucie Manette – the woman they both love. An extraordinary saga of love, betrayal, loyalty and human struggle, this is a tale that must be read for its absolute perfection.
Product Details
Publisher: Om Books International
No of Pages: 240
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