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Essays in Medieval Delh : Debates in Indian history series : NIRMAL KUMAR
Essays in Medieval Delh : Debates in Indian history series : NIRMAL KUMAR
(Paperback) | Released: 2016
Publisher: Research India press
Genre - History
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About the Book
The volume examines the Delhi of the medieval period of history and poses questions to understand its significance at various times. The essays cover Delhi as the Chishti Sufi centre, Delhi as viewed by medieval historians of the region in the thirteenth-fourteenth centuries, and the architectural wealth of the place such as the Lodi-era funerary architecture and the capital city Shahjahanabad. They view numerous cultural, religious and social associations with the place like the importance of Urdu in Delhi and contribution of Mirza Ghalib to Urdu literature. They include details on personalities of the time such as Sa’id Sarmar, a courtier of the Mughals.
Product Details
Publisher: Research India press
No of Pages: 140
Publisher Date:2016
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