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Gandhi's Approach to Communal Problem : Hardcover
Gandhi's Approach to Communal Problem : Hardcover
(Paperback) | Released: 2013
By: P. K. Dutt
Publisher: None
Genre - Social
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About the Book
Gandhi fought for communal harmony and at last laid down his life for it. He was a devout Hindu but held equal respect for all religions and upheld the right of all the religious minority groups to profess and practice their respective religions freely at footing with the majority group. Gandhi was not opposed to the Varna or caste based system in Hindu society but, he insisted that it must carry no connotation of pollution or purity, which generated into the evil and offensive practice of untouchability. Another evil of the Varna system he castigated was the consignment of some castes to manual labour, carrying with it lower social esteem reserving the socially esteemed intellectual work for the others. Gandhi felt that by removing this individual distinction, a socially useful reconstruction of the caste system was possible. This book is a thorough discussion on all these practical philosophies of M.K. Gandhi. Table of Contents: Communalism and Fundamentalism in India Gandhian Approach to Understanding Social Problems Gandhi's Views on Religion Communal Harmony: Gandhian Perspective Gandhian Strategies for Combating Communalism Communalism in Modern India: A Theoretical Examination Gandhi on Religion in Public Life M.K. Gandhi's eam of Hindu-Muslim Unity Approach to Communal Unity Achievement of Communal Unity Religious Aspects of the Communal Problem The Causes of Communal Riots Social Implications of Communal Riots Gandhi's Reaction on Communal Riots Communal Relations in Free India
Product Details
No of Pages: 264
Publisher Date:2013
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