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OF ECONOMICS, POLICY AND DEVELOPMENT-PD: An Intellectual Journey : Hardcover
OF ECONOMICS, POLICY AND DEVELOPMENT-PD: An Intellectual Journey : Hardcover
(Hardcover) | Released: 2012-11-29
By: Deena Khatkhate,Y.V. Reddy
Publisher: OUP India
Genre - Economy
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About the Book
This book is a collection of essays of Dr I.G. Patel, a distinguished economist and policymaker, on a wide range of issues related to theory and policy in the areas of money, finance, trade, balance of payments, and economic development. These essays provide insights in to Dr Patel's deep grasp of economic theory and econometric techniques. Modifying economic theory to solve the problems of India and other similarly situated countries, they reveal how macroeconomic theory predominant in developed countries assumed new meaning and dimension in the context of economic development. The articles contain a tapestry of ideas which are still relevant in the contemporary Indian and global economic setting.
Product Details
Publisher: OUP India
No of Pages: 450
Publisher Date:2012-11-29
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