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Red Dragon : The novel that created Hannibal Lecter : Thomas Harris
Red Dragon : The novel that created Hannibal Lecter : Thomas Harris
(Paperback) | Released: 2009
By: Thomas Harris
Publisher: Random House
Genre - Horror
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About the Book
Special agent Will Graham has been assigned to cases before where he was able to see and feel with the madmen, anticipate their moves, and be vulnerable to their horrific brutality. Now after being forced out of retiring, he meets another evil mind. Sexual hunger; demonic violence; sinister logic - the lethal components of a deadly formula driving a psychopath in the grip of an unimagin-able delusion; a boastful killer who sends the police tormenting notes; a tortured, torturing monster who finds ultimate pleasure in viciously murdering happy families, and calls himself... The Red Dragon.
Product Details
Publisher: Random House
No of Pages: 434
Publisher Date:2009
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