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A Man from Mandu : Manoj V Jain
A Man from Mandu : Manoj V Jain
(Paperback) | Released: 2019-05-30
By: Manoj V Jain
Publisher: Notion press
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About the Book
Is he the New Age Guru that we have all been waiting for? Is he a fraudster? How does he know the story of your life? In his latest book, Manoj Jain delves into the world of Godmen and devotees, of faith and money. A Man from Mandu is a book of deception, transformation and growth. Read about Dhawal and his metamorphosis into Avishkar Baba, the Sadhu of Stories, and about Tarini who is promoting him so successfully. But what does the scheming Tarini have to gain?
Product Details
Publisher: Notion press
No of Pages: 168
Publisher Date:2019-05-30
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