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The Adventures of Feluda : The Royal Bengal Mystery
The Adventures of Feluda : The Royal Bengal Mystery
(Paperback) | Released: 2016-04
By: Ray Satyajit
Publisher: Puffin
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About the Book
A man-eater in the jungles of the Terai. An ancient riddle. The lure of hidden treasure. Visiting the famous hunter and wildlife writer Mahitosh Sinha-Roy in his Jalpaiguri palace, Feluda is presented with a riddle that holds the clue to ancestral treasure. But before he can begin unravelling the puzzle, Mr Sinha-Roy's secretary is found dead in the forest, his body savaged by a big cat. Feluda's investigations lead him deeper and deeper into a scandalous family secret, and bring him face to face with a bloodthirsty royal Bengal tiger in a final confrontation.
Product Details
Publisher: Puffin
No of Pages: 112
Publisher Date:2016-04
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