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The Hidden Children: The Lost Grimoire
The Hidden Children: The Lost Grimoire
(Paperback) | Released: 2018
Publisher: Two Ravens
Genre - Fantasy
Best Price* ₹ 179.0
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About the Book
Blurb ‘What price would you pay to be extraordinary? What would you do to speak to a butterfly? Short Synopsis Shayamukthy cruises through life: shooting hoops, daydreaming and listening to her favourite books. Even moving from the US to India, to a new school, a new culture, hasn't really rattled her. But something isn't right anymore and it begins when a New Girl joins the school. She pulls Shui into a world of magic and wonderment, a world she has been hidden from all her life. What starts as a quest to look for a lost book, hurtles Shui into a world where people live in trees, talk to the dead and speak to butterflies. But like all power, magic comes at a steep price and under all things wondrous lie demons waiting to crawl out. The more Shui learns, the more she doubts everything and everyone around her. Will she be able to master her powers, or will they devour her and everyone she loves?
Product Details
Publisher: Two Ravens
No of Pages: 407
Publisher Date:2018
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