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Never Let Me Go
Never Let Me Go
(Paperback) | Released: 2010-02
By: Kazuo Ishiguro
Publisher: Faber & Faber Limited
Genre - Science fiction
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About the Book
In one of the most memorable novels of recent years, Kazuo Ishiguro imagines the lives of a group of students growing up in a darkly skewered version of contemporary England. Narrated by Kathy, now 31, Never Let Me Go hauntingly dramatises her attempts to come to terms with her childhood at the seemingly idyllic Hailsham School, and with the fate that has always awaited her and her closest friends in the wider world. A story of love, friendship and memory, Never Let Me Go is charged throughout with a sense of the fragility of life.If you enjoyed Never Let Me Go, you might also like Ishiguro's The Remains of the Day, now available in Faber Modern Classics.
Product Details
Publisher: Faber & Faber Limited
No of Pages: 282
Publisher Date:2010-02
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