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The Space Between Us : Thrifty Umrigar
The Space Between Us : Thrifty Umrigar
(Paperback) | Released: 2005
By: Thrity N. Umrigar
Publisher: Harper Collins
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About the Book
Captures the delicate balance of class and gender in contemporary India as witnessed through the lives of two women--Sera Dubash, an upper middle-class housewife, and Bhima, an illiterate domestic hardened by a life of loss and despair. This is a story intimately and compassionately told against the sensuous background of everyday life in Bombay.”—Washington Post Book World “Bracingly honest.”—New York Times Book Review The author of Bombay Time, If Today Be Sweet, and The Weight of Heaven, Thrity Umrigar is as adept and compelling in The Space Between Us—vividly capturing the social struggles of modern India in a luminous, addictively readable novel of honor, tradition, class, gender, and family. A portrayal of two women discovering an emotional rapport as they struggle against the confines of a rigid caste system, Umrigar’s captivating second novel echoes the timeless intensity of Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God, Betty Smith’s A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, and Barbara Kingsolver’s The Poisonwood Bible—a quintessential triumph of modern literary fiction.
Product Details
Publisher: Harper Collins
No of Pages: 321
Publisher Date:2005
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