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Resistance : Anita Shreve
Resistance : Anita Shreve
(Paperback) | Released: 1996
By: Anita Shreve
Publisher: Abacus Software
Genre - War Story
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About the Book
"As the wife of a Resistance member in German-occupied Belgium, Claire Dussois has grown used to hiding strange men in her attic. But the B-17 bomber that crash-lands outside the village of Delahaut contains the man who will be both the last and the most significant of her temporary residents. A tale of impossible love in Nazi-occupied Belgium, where forbidden passions have catastrophic consequences. Claire Daussois, the wife of a Belgian resistance worker, shelters a wounded American bomber pilot in a secret attic hideaway. As she nurses him back to health, Claire is drawn into an affair that seems strong enough to conquer all--until the brutal realities of war intrude, shattering every idea she ever had about love, trust, and betrayal. Resistance is a tender but tragic love story, told with the same narrative grace and keen eye for human emotion that have distinguished all of Anita Shreve's cherished bestsellers.
Product Details
Publisher: Abacus Software
No of Pages: 222
Publisher Date:1996
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