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A History of Ancient and Early Medieval India (Upinder Singh)
A History of Ancient and Early Medieval India (Upinder Singh)
(Paperback) | Released: 2008
By: Upinder Singh
Publisher: Pearson Education India
Genre - History
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About the Book
A History of Ancient and Early Medieval India is the most comprehensive textbook yet for undergraduate and postgraduate students. It introduces students to original sources such as ancient texts, artefacts, inscriptions and coins, illustrating how historians construct history on their basis. Its clear and balanced explanation of concepts and historical debates enables students to independently evaluate evidence, arguments and theories. This remarkable textbook allows the reader to visualize and understand the rich and varied remains of India s ancient past, transforming the process of discovering that past into an exciting experience.
Product Details
Publisher: Pearson Education India
No of Pages: 677
Publisher Date:2008
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