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Shantaram : Gregory David Roberts
Shantaram : Gregory David Roberts
(Paperback) | Released: 2003
By: Gregory David Roberts
Publisher: Abacus Software
Genre - Literary fiction
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About the Book
In 1978 Gregory David Roberts committed a series of robberies while adducted to heroin, and was sentenced to nineteen years in prison. After two years, he escaped from a maximum-security prison in broad daylight, and became Australia s most wanted man. Hiding in Mumbai, he established a medical clinic for slum-dwellers, and worked as a counterfeiter, smuggler and gunrunner for one of the most charismatic branches of the Mumbai mafia. Shantaram based on this ten-year period of Gregory David Roberts life is a superbly written and gripping novel, and an authentic evocation of Mumbai life.
Product Details
Publisher: Abacus Software
No of Pages: 944
Publisher Date:2003
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