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Love, Hope and Magic : poems
Love, Hope and Magic : poems
(Paperback) | Released: 2020-09-22
By: Ashish Bagrecha
Publisher: None
Genre - Poems
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About the Book
you handed meall your broken piecesbut darling, how do i fix youif you don't believe inlove, hope and magic?A survivor of life and death, a fighter of depression and a believer of universe, Ashish Bagrecha, the best-selling author of self-help book 'Dear Stranger, I Know How You Feel' and one of the most popular Instagram poets, brings you his very first collection of poetry because he thinks poetry has the magic to heal people.Divided into six chapters, Love, Hope and Magic is about loving deeply and getting broken. It's about falling into the darkness and still chasing the light. It's about letting love find you, trusting the universe and believing in the magic we carry within ourselves.Love, Hope and Magic is not written to inspire you but to fix you.Becauselove comes, leaves and pains, but magic happens and stays, and all we need isa little hope in betwe
Product Details
No of Pages: 232
Publisher Date:2020-09-22
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