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Kissing Ass: The Art of Office Politics
Kissing Ass: The Art of Office Politics
(Paperback) | Released: 2012
By: Clyde D'Souza
Publisher: LSNet.in
Genre - Humour
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About the Book
Some people can kiss ass naturally, some can’t do it to save their lives, and many just don’t know how! Kissing ass: the art of office politics is a no - bullshit, jargon - free, non - sloppy guide that breaksdown typical work place situations and offers you not textbook advice but real sucking - up solutions to them. From nervous first days to elated farewell mails, kissing ass gives you tips and tricks on how to act, react, or play dumb as per the scenario. Learn different types of ego massage techniques, what to say to the ceo in the loo, how to reply to work emails over weekends, and, yes, even howto deal with sex at work! So polish your corporate lips, pucker up, and get ready to kiss your way to success.
Product Details
Publisher: LSNet.in
No of Pages: 236
Publisher Date:2012
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