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Becoming Steve Jobs the Evolution of a Reckless Upstart Into a Visionary Leader
Becoming Steve Jobs the Evolution of a Reckless Upstart Into a Visionary Leader
(Hardcover) | Released: 2015-03-24
By: Brent Schlender,Rick Tetzeli
Publisher: None
Genre - Biography
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About the Book
A comprehensive look at Steve Jobs' career following his dismissal from Apple - an experience that kindled in him a burning desire to prove to the world that his initial success was no fluke. During this time a combination of exile, failure and family saw him mature from the childish genius who left in disgrace in the mid-80s, to the man who returned just over a decade later to create a world changing, visionary company
Product Details
No of Pages: 444
Publisher Date:2015-03-24
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