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Beyond 2020 : A vision for tomorrow's India Abdul Kalam
Beyond 2020 : A vision for tomorrow's India Abdul Kalam
(Hardcover) | Released: 2014-10-01
By: Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam,Y. S. Rajan
Publisher: Viking
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About the Book
In 1998, Dr Kalam and Y.S. Rajan published the now iconic India 2020, a vision document for the new millennium that charted how India could become one of the top five economic powers in the world. Sixteen years later, as the year 2020 approaches, it is time to take stock of how much we have achieved and what lies ahead. In many ways, India's growth story in the twenty-first century has been hamstrung by missed opportunities and slowdowns in project execution; but it has also been marked by new opportunities and emerging technologies that make faster and more inclusive growth viable. A renewed policy focus is now needed for agriculture, manufacturing, education, health care and infrastructure argue Kalam and Rajan. Alongside, national security and the knowledge economy are some of the other vital areas that we need to build on as we look beyond 2020. A blueprint for our future development, Beyond 2020is a book every Indian must read.
Product Details
Publisher: Viking
No of Pages: 304
Publisher Date:2014-10-01
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