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Percy Jackson and the Greek Heroes
Percy Jackson and the Greek Heroes
(Paperback) | Released: 2015-08-06
By: Rick Riordan
Publisher: Puffin
Genre - Fantasy
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About the Book
If you like mutilations, murders and flesh-eating farmyard animals, keep reading . . . My name is Percy Jackson. I'm a modern-day demigod - the son of Poseidon. I've had some bad experiences in my time, but the heroes I'm going to tell you about were the original old-school hard-luck cases. So get your flaming spear. Put on your lion-skin cape. Polish your shield and make sure you've got arrows in your quiver. We're going back about four thousand years to decapitate monsters, shoot a few gods in the butt, raid the Underworld and steal loot from evil people. Then, for dessert, we'll die painful, tragic deaths. Ready? Sweet. Let's do this. www.rickriordan.co.uk
Product Details
Publisher: Puffin
No of Pages: 534
Publisher Date:2015-08-06
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