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(Paperback) | Released: 2018-02-08
By: Suze Yalof Schwartz
Publisher: Piatkus Books
Genre - Mind , body , spirit
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About the Book
'Unplug is the book I wish I had when I first started meditating. Simple, smart, and inspirational, it provides concrete tools you can use to live a more fulfilling, happier, and yes, more productive life' Arianna Huffington THE MODERN GUIDE TO MEDITATION FOR BUSY PEOPLE Unplug is the modern, minimalist guide to meditation for busy people. Whether you're a Fortune 500 CEO or someone bogged down with a never ending to-do list, Suze Yalof-Schwartz shows that you can get more done - and do it better - by consciously unplugging for just a few minutes each day. This revolutionary book brilliantly simplifies the art of meditation and reveals the life-changing benefits you will experience, from improved memory and a more positive outlook to a reduction in anxiety and stress. Through easy techniques and tips for incorporating meditation into your daily life, Unplug shows you that everyone can meditate, even if - especially if - you believe you think too much, have no time, can't sit still or that it's just 'not you'.
Product Details
Publisher: Piatkus Books
No of Pages: 224
Publisher Date:2018-02-08
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