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Byculla to Bangkok
Byculla to Bangkok
(Paperback) | Released: 2014-02-13
By: S. Hussain Zaidi
Publisher: Harpercollins
Genre - Crime
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About the Book
The much-awaited sequel to Dongri to Dubai After the huge success of Dongri to Dubai, here comes its much-awaited sequel, Byculla to Bangkok. Chota Rajan, Arun Gawli and Ashwin Naik are among those whose lives Hussain Zaidi recounts with his characteristic flair for narrativizing the Mumbai underworld. Violence and deceit one expects to read of, but the strength of this book is also its ability to capture the mundane and almost naive beginnings of what later became organized crime and brutal vendettas which held Mumbai to ransom through the last decades of the twentieth century. Unputdownable.
Product Details
Publisher: Harpercollins
No of Pages: 276
Publisher Date:2014-02-13
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